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Cameroon Ship Registration Made Easy A Complete Step-by-Step Process

Cameroon Ship Registration Made Easy A Complete Step-by-Step Process

Cameroon Ship Registration Made Easy: A Complete Step-by-Step Process

The vessel is first provisionally registered under the Cameroon flag for Three months (extendable for a further period, or periods not exceeding in the aggregate six months) during which time the permanent Registration procedure needs to be finalized.


The procedure to register a vessel is relatively straightforward. Requirements for provisional registration include:

Cameroon Ship Registration

      • An application for a “Change of Name”, if required

      • A “Declaration of Ownership” made before the Registrar

      • “Proof of Qualification” to own a Maltese ship in the case of body corporate, the Memorandum and Articles of Association

      • Evidence of seaworthiness; in the case of trading vessels, confirmation of class with a recognized Classification Society, and information of the ship statutory certification including ISM compliance

      • Application for Minimum Safe Manning Certificate

      • Application for DMLC Part 1

      • Application for Ship Radio Station License

      • A copy of the Ship’s International Tonnage Certificate

    During the period of provisional registry, certain documents are to be submitted to the Registrar including:

        • A Builder’s Certificate if the vessel has not been registered elsewhere; otherwise, a Bill of Sale or any other document by which the vessel was transferred to the present owner.

        • A Deletion Certificate from the last country of registry showing the vessel to be free from any encumbrances.

        • Copy of the last updated Continuous Synopsis Record issued by the Administration where the ship was last registered.

        • A Certificate of Survey and a copy of the International Tonnage Certificate that the vessel has been surveyed in accordance with Cameroon regulations.

        • A Carving and Marking Note giving evidence that the vessel has been marked in accordance with the law.

        • A crew list accompanied by copies of the officers’ certificates of competency.


      Requirements for Permanent Registration includes:

          • Original Builders’ Certificate, or Bill of Sale, as the case may be

          • Deletion Certificate from the previous Registry

          • Ship’s Carving and Marking Note to be returned duly signed and completed by Class Surveyor

          • Undertaking in favour of Registrar of Shipping to return the Provisional Certificate of Registration following the issuance of the Permanent Registration Certificate.

          • Proof that the Ship has been issued with valid certificates required by International Conventions (including protocols, annexes & appendices there to which have been ratified or acceded to or accepted by the Government of the republic of Cameroon)

          • Copy of International Tonnage Certificate

          • Original Certificate of Survey

        Prime Time Law offices is an expertise maritime law office which offers a whole range of shipping services. For further information click on this link.

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