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Cameroon Yacht Registration Procedures 2023

Cameroon Yacht Registration Procedures 2023

Cameroon Yacht Registration Procedures 2023


The registration and operation of Cameroonian Commercial Yachts is regulated by standards of safety, pollution prevention and crew welfare which were developed with the relevant IMO Conventions, Cemac Directives and industry Standards in mind.

The main qualifying criteria for a commercial yacht to be registered in Cameroon include:

    Commercial Yacht Registration

      • A minimum overall length of 15 meters.

      • There is no nationality restrictions for master, officers and crew.

      • May operate worldwide subject to navigational notations granted by the Cameroon flag authorities.  This is based on the type and size of a yacht in question.

    Applies to both motor and sailing yachts.


        • Commercial use for sport or pleasure which does not carry cargo and does not carry more than 12 passengers.

        • No tonnage limitations.

        • An initial survey must be carried out by an authorized surveyor or recognized organization.

        • Yachts of 500 GT and above must be classed by a recognized organization and maintain class throughout the period of commercial yacht registration.

        • Any type of yacht may be registered as a commercial yacht including historical, training and racing yachts.

      Yachts may be owned by:

      A yachts may be owned by a Cameroon or any other national or company.

      In addition to the qualifying criteria summarized above, the Cemac merchant code addresses a number of matters which guarantee an overall flexible regime.

      Owners wishing to register their non-commercial yachts as ‘racing yachts’ may also do so on a case by case basis.

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                                                                                           Article by CHUO ANGABUA JUNIOR

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      ‘’The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. We insist specialist advice be sought depending on your specific circumstance’’


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