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The land is a precious commodity in Cameroon that everyone wants to own. It provides shelter and is a source of wealth and political power. A single land could be subject to different rights belonging to other persons. So apart from the fact that one can be duped, as in the case of Cameroon, it’s essential to know whether he will have undisturbed possession and use of the land acquired.

This article addresses the best method to secure your interest in land ownership in Cameroon. We will list the step-by-step procedure for getting a land certificate in Cameroon.



Decree No.76-165 of April 27, 1976, established the conditions for obtaining land certificates in Cameroon. It lays down two procedures for the obtention of land certificates: the registration of titles over national lands effectively occupied or exploited before August 5, 1974, and the conversion of existing deeds concerning land into land certificates in Cameroon.


A. orthodox communities, their members, or any other person of Cameroonian nationality, provided that the occupancy or operation or before August 5, 1974, date of publication of Ordinance No. 74-1 of July 6, 1974, securing land tenure.
b) Persons deprived of their rights under Articles 4, 5, and 6 of Ordinance No. 74-1 of July 6, 1974, establishing land tenure Administrators and estate property can not obtain on their behalf Land Titles on the property.


(1) Any person entitled to apply for obtaining a land title dependent on the national domain should be a file containing the following:

  • Application in quadruplicate (4) copies, the original is a stamp indicating his name, his parentage, his home, his occupation, his marital status, nationality, and the name under which the property be registered;
    -A description of the property (location, size, nature of the occupation or exploitation, estimated Value, an indication of the encumbrances affecting).
    (2) The signed application must refer to a building consisting of a single parcel. If a road or river crosses the field, it is subject to many applications; separate plots exist.
    (3) Applications on land free of occupation and exploitation are inadmissible. They are educated according to the procedure of concession.
    (4) also followed the procedure of concession applications for layouts Value made after August 5, 1974, unless it is established by the Advisory Committee highlighted that these were preceded by occupation or exploitation not probative completed before August 5, 1974.
  1. (Decree No. 2005/481 of December 16 2005).
    (1) The application is filed with the sub-divisional officer of the location of the building/land.
    (2) Upon receipt of the application, and within seventy-two (72) hours, the sub-prefect or Head of District shall, without any formalities sure of the ground, a receipt to the address stated therein and passes in eight days to the Divisional Delegation of Land Affairs.
  2. (Decree No. 2005/481 of December 16 2005).
    (1) Upon receipt of the application, the Regional de Delegate of Land Affairs published fifteen days the head of the department of land affairs department, an extract of the request by posting the premises of the service in the divisional district, town hall and the leadership of the village concerned.
    (2) On the proposal of the head of the department of land affairs department, the sub-prefect or chief district territorially competent president of the advisory commission decision fixed the date of acknowledgement of occupation or exploitation.
    (3) Where there are several requests, it is established each month, at the behest of the head of the department of land affairs department, and by decision of the prefect or head of the district concerned, a work schedule of the Advisory Board.
    (4) Under the provisions of section 16 of Ordinance No. 74/1du July 6, 1974, fixing the tenure, the Commission alone is competent to establish consultative findings occupation or exploitation of dependencies National 1èrecatégorie domain to obtain the land title.
    (5) Where the property registers interest to several administrative districts, advisory committees sit together at the initiative of one who holds the record.
    (6) In the case of occupation or effective operation, the Advisory Committee shall immediately arrange to have the property’s boundaries by a surveyor of the cadastre sworn in the presence of residents. Boundary charges are the responsibility of the applicant.
    (7) Where the boundary can not be completed in the presence of all the members of the Advisory Board, the chairman of that committee appoints an ad hoc committee which oversees the work of distinction to completion. The village chief and a notable place are mandatory parts of this committee.
    (8) A penalty of nullity. No demarcation registration can be done only by the surveyor.
  3. (Decree No. 2005/481 of December 16 2005).
    (1) At the end of the boundary, the surveyor shall prepare a plan and report.
    (2) The plan is signed by the surveyor. The minutes are marked by the boundary surveyor. Chairman of the Advisory Commission of the department head department of Land Affairs, the village chief and concerned residents. There is mention:
    -The full names of participants;
    Of-valued and their authors;
    -Description of the recognized limitations of the length of the sides. A number designates each vertex of the polygon formed by the building. The plan is attached to the boundary triangulation points or polygonization.
  4. (Decree No. 2005/481 of December 16 2005).
    (1) Within thirty (30) days after the meeting of the Advisory Committee referred to in Article 13 above, the Departmental Delegate of Land Affairs transmits the provincial delegate of Land Affairs in addition to the folder containing the items listed in Article 11 of this Decree, the minutes of the Advisory Board, five (5) copies of the plan and the minutes of the property boundary.
    2) The provincial head of the department of Land Affairs in the registered monitoring regional registry of registration applications assigns a number, examines the regularity of parts produced, is appropriate and establishes a notice of termination boundary that is published in the bulletin of property and real estate advice referred to in paragraph 4 below.
    (3) The file is transmitted to the Registrar of Land for further proceedings if it is covered, and the Departmental Delegate of Land Affairs for recovery if not
    (4) The form of property and real estate advice is issued by each Ministry of State Property and Land Affairs provincial delegation.
    A decree of the Prime Minister establishes its organization and operating procedures.

This article is brought to you by PRIME TIME LAW OFFICES. We offer comprehensive legal advice and services regarding all aspects of land law in Cameroon.


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