Audiovisual (AV) is electronic media possessing both a sound and a visual component, such as slide-tape presentations, films, television programs, corporate conferencing, church services, and live theater productions.
Registration Process for Audio-Visual Companies
Audiovisual service providers frequently offer web streaming, video conferencing, and live broadcast services.
Computer-based audiovisual equipment is often used in education, with many schools and universities installing projection equipment and using interactive whiteboard technology.
In Cameroon the registration of audio visual companies , registration of Radio stations in Cameroon , registration TV stations in Cameroon is regulated by the OHADA and Law no. 90-52 of 19 December 1990 Relation and the National communication council
The OHADA- uniform act relating to commercial companies and economic interest groups prescribes the formalities to incorporate any commercial entity .
Where as Law no. 90-52 of 19 December 1990 Relation and the National communication council regulates the activities of the media houses and also give powers to the national communication council for issuance of licenses .
Prime Time Law Offices/Firm has competent lawyers who have gained enormous experience over the years in this domain diligently and in a cost-effective manner.
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