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Adoption In Cameroon

Adoption in Cameroon

What Is Adoption In Cameroon?

Adoption in Cameroon is a process whereby a person assumes the parenting of another, usually a child, from that person’s biological or legal parent or parents. Legal adoptions permanently transfer all rights and responsibilities, along with filiation, from the biological parents to the adoptive parents.

There are many circumstances under which married couples and singles may choose to adopt, including situations involving surrogacy or stepchildren. This article covers the basic and practitioner point of view as regards the  legal process of adoption in Cameroon .The competent authorities all through the process for child adoption in Cameroon is the high court and the social affairs office. it’s advisable you seek the service of a competent family/adoption lawyer in Cameroon.


What Are The Requirements For Adopting A Child In Cameroon ?

  • Copy of birth  certificate of the applicant & child 
  • Copy of criminal record of the applicant 
  • ID card or passport copy of the applicant 
  • Marriage certificate of the applicant ( where applicable)
  • Medical report & certificate of fitness ( applicant and child)
  • Social report from a certify social worker
  • Proof Residence by a mayor or any competent authority
  • Copy of bank  & income statement of the applicant 
  • Morality report
  • A guarantor preferable from Cameroon 
  • Consent letter from the biological parent or adoption home of the child


After all the documents above have been provided the Adoption/family solicitor or lawyers must prove to the court certain conditions. Under Cameroonian law, the High Court must determine that the following four criteria have been met before it can issue an adoption decree:

  1. That every person whose consent is necessary has consented to and understands the nature and effect of the adoption. Such consent is irrevocable and permanently servers all legal ties between the biological parents and the child.
  2. That the child’s welfare will be improved by the adoption. Parents must provide proof of what they can provide for the child in a way that other cannot.
  3. That no payment or reward has been the reason for the adoption.
  4. That the prospective adoptive parent is healthy.


Here are the 5 main steps that most adoptive parents will go through as part of the adoption process in Cameroon.

Do note that extra steps or paperwork will be required if you are a non-Cameroonian Citizen, if the child you intend to adopt is a foreigner (this includes situations where you are adopting your stepchild).

  • Filling an originating application
  • Filling of support statement
  • File Social welfare report
  • Submit the originating motion in court
  • Declaration of adoption decree by the high court

Regarding the adoption procedure in Cameroon, please note that most embassies especially  the U.S. Consulate will only accept final FULL/FULL adoption court judgment issued by the competent High Court having jurisdiction over the place of residence of the adoptee. Under no circumstance should a simple adoption be submitted during the processing of the immigrant visa. Therefore, the adoptive parent(s) should note the distinction between a simple adoption and a full adoption when applying to the High Court.


Right to adoption though not a fundamental right in Cameroon , still there is a serious need to make one since it would provide a child to the childless and home to the homeless. Home for children will help the child grow into a healthy human being mentally, physically and psychologically. However, the court must do good for the children and the parents by laying down strict guidelines, rules and regulations in order to ensure there is no misuse of such rights.


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